OUr Board

(We’re working on getting photos of)

Sam Allison Natale
Peter Graham
Isa Kretschmer
Andy Cerrone
Macey Webb
Nayef Sobat
Nash Rosado
Jam Hoffman

Interested in joining our Board of Directors?

Interested in being on the ECM Board? Contact us!

Any individual may apply to join the ECM board of directors by submitting their résumé to the board chair person which will be followed by a short interview at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. A resume or recommendation with a brief personal history for an interested person may be submitted by the individual directly or through a board member. The board will vote at that meeting on the individual’s application.

The only restriction on joining the ECM board is that the ECM bylaws have categories of board members and a number allowed for each category. These groups are:

  • At-large members – shall not exceed one-third of the membership of the board and may serve two consecutive three year terms (ex. – current board membership is 14 so the at-large group would be five)

  • At-large student members – up to four students who are active participants in the ECM with one-year terms renewable

  • Faculty and administration members – two faculty or administration representatives who may serve two consecutive three year terms

  • Individuals, also, may join the ECM board through one of the sponsoring congregations of ECM.

  • Three members from each Lawrence area congregation will be appointed through the processes of the congregations from which they are appointed. Term of membership is two consecutive three year terms.